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Club Membership

Share in the Experience

Rachel Shaw Bowers
Director of Club Membership
(970) 708-9619
In becoming a member of the Telluride Ski & Golf Club, you will be joining a vibrant community of people drawn together by a love for life and this unique place called Telluride. Membership reflects a desire to share an unrivaled lifestyle with family and friends, make new connections, and to create priceless memories for a lifetime.

Telluride Ski & Golf Club offers two levels of membership: Platinum and Platinum Winter. For more information on membership with the club, we invite you to speak with Rachel Bowers, Director of Club Membership.

From silent valley to bustling community, Telluride has grown and matured. Through it all, this place still has soul. It still has heart. The Telluride Ski & Golf Club invites you to join us. Join our experiences, our community and our circle. Come along and make your mark.

For membership & information call (970) 708-9619 or complete the form below.

Interested in learning more about the Telluride Ski & Golf Club?

First Name* 
Last Name
Email Address* 
Phone Number